This morning Bob Egelko has a pretty good writeup in the SF Chronicle about the grant of review in People v. Kelly, the medical marijuana quantity limits case, and also about the way the medical marijuana community has been split over whether the quantity limits established by SB420/the Medical Marijuana Program are a good or […]
READ MOREProhibition Should Have Taught America That Morality Can’t Be Legislated
The ink was barely dry before American history took a change. Before the day was over, to people would be killed, lives upturned and persons would go to prison for something that was legal 24-hours before. Prohibition in America was a nationwide attempt to legislate morality through banning anything to do with alcoholic beverages. Production, […]
READ MOREThe War on Drugs: The Band
It must be Friday, because I’m exhausted and I’ve spent the afternoon listening to music instead of doing anything remotely productive. Too bad I have to work tomorrow. At any rate, my afternoon of aimless music listening did manage to turn up one interesting thing: The War on Drugs, the band. There’s something Dylanish about these […]
READ MOREGonzales v. Raich One Year Later: Federalism Only When It’s Convenient
(Note: This is the fourth in a series of posts related to the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Gonzales v. Raich, which takes place Tuesday. See the link at the end of the article for the prior pieces.) What Gonzales v. Raich was about, a year after it was decided, ultimately depends […]
READ MOREFriday Music July 11, 2008
Here’s a pretty interesting, great-sounding (and nearly 10-minute-long, be warned…) video of Earth, the band that was once upon a time a sludge/drone metal pioneer. They seem to be going in some wonderful directions and opening up the sound quite a bit, even though the tempos are still very, very, very slow. Their website also […]
READ MORENeurologist indicted for illegally Prescribing Narcotics
A busy pain-management physician in the region may not be very busy for awhile. Federal prosecutors believe Eugene Gosy to be among the greediest. They backed up their claim by accusing the physician of running a criminal enterprise that gave out over 300,000 illicit prescripts over the last 48-months. The accusations against Gosy are just […]
READ MORESpyEye Creator Gets Nine Years While Co-Conspirator is Handed a 15-year Sentence
The Russian creator of a computer program that American law enforcement claim drained bank accounts in a variety of countries was sent to federal prison for 9.5 years. Known online as “Gribodemon” and “Harderman,” Aleksandr Panin was sentenced in Atlanta after being accused of creating the malware program SpyEye. Panin sold the software through a […]
READ MOREThe Ambien Angle in Heath Ledger’s Death
The foreign press is starting to jump on the idea that Ambien contributed somehow to the death of actor Heath Ledger. See, for example, this Sydney Morning Herald article suggesting that “hundreds have had bizarre and potentially dangerous reactions to the drug” in Australia. I have little to add to this, other than to note […]
READ MOREFor Female Inmates Dignity is Elusive
People laughter when Piper Chapman came out of the showers during Orange is the New Black’s first season. She used maxi pads to created shoes. It was a scene based in reality. At New York’s Rikers Island, female inmates use tampons as scrubbing pads — not as sponges. Prison issued tampons are waterproof. Humiliating in […]
READ MORESome Legal Experts See Bausch & Lomb Moving Toward Quick Settlement in ReNu Cases
A subscription-only article that ran this week on the website Lawyers USA quotes several legal experts who say they think Bausch & Lomb will settle quickly in lawsuits related to ReNu with MoistureLoc, the now-withdrawn contact lens solution that had been causing serious fungal infections in some users. The article quotes Paul J. Pennock, a […]