Allstate Foundation National Poll on Domestic Violence 2004 3 out of 4 (74%) respondents personally know someone who is or has been a victim of domestic violence. 83% percent of respondents strongly agreed that domestic violence affects people in all racial, ethnic, religious, educational, social and economic backgrounds. 2 out of 3 (66%) strongly agreed […]
READ MOREThe Georgia Attorney General Crosses the Line of Decency – Schedules Execution before the US Supreme Court Can Hear the Case
ATLANTA (AP) — A death row inmate who has drawn international headlines with claims that he is innocent of killing a Savannah police officer is scheduled to be executed later this month, Georgia authorities said Wednesday. Troy Davis, who is on death row for gunning down a Savannah police officer in 1989, is scheduled to […]
READ MOREMystery Shopper Scam
Here’s some advice you can bank on. If a company you have never heard of sends you a $3,000 check, and all you have done to earn that $3,000 check is to call them and give them your name and phone number: RUN!!!! Run as fast as you can. Run to your garbage can and […]
READ MOREIncarceration Nation
The New York Times has news of an American milestone: For the first time in the nation’s history, more than one in 100 American adults is behind bars. It’s one thing to be tough on crime, and another to give the thumbs-up to a justice system that often treats black and Hispanic offenders much worse […]
READ MOREnew-jersey-mans-conviction-overturned-after-serving-22-years-for-a-crime-he-didnt-commit
DNA Clears Convicted AB 20160509 XXX False Confessions Still Send Innocent People to Prison When Byron Halsey stepped into the sunshine in May 2007, he had served over twenty years in prison for atrocities he admitted to – but didn’t commit. Prosecutors were quick to admit their office’s failings and said they would not retry […]
READ MOREBoies and Adelphia
David Boies’ firm resigned as Adelphia special counsel after it was learned that Boies’ family members owned a company that owned, through another company, a document management company Adelphia had hired on the Boies’ firm’s recommendation. Lest you think document management is small potatoes, Adelphia has paid $5-$10 million for its services. The main Boies […]
READ MOREGroup blog agreements
Bill Sjostrom talks on TOTM about agreements for group blogs. First I suggest brushing up a little on partnership law, possibly by looking at my Law and Economics of Blogging (revision coming soon), and more optimally at Bromberg & Ribstein on Partnership and Ribstein & Keatinge on LLCs, depending on the form of organization. Bill […]
READ MOREDumping and suing
Moin Yahya has posted The Legal Status of Dump and Sue. Here’s the abstract: There is some evidence that plaintiffs and their attorneys are profitably short-selling the stock of the companies they intend to sue. The status of such short sales is undecided in the law. Lawsuits against companies can cause large drops in market […]
READ MORESecurities Offering Reform: Well-Known Seasoned Issuers
Reforms to the registered securities offering process adopted by the SEC in August of this year go in effect tomorrow (click here for the adopting release). I’m not going to describe all the reforms here; there are many law firm memos on the web that do. See, e.g., here. I do, however, want to discuss […]
READ MOREBad Week for Bronx Attorneys
Last week was a bad one for Bronx Attorneys. In one case, United States Attorney Mary Jo White removed Special Assistant United States Attorney Vincent Heintz off of the Junior Gotti case for talking to the press. Heintz, who is a Bronx Assistant District Attorney assigned to the United States Attorney’s Office, has been working […]