A NY Criminal Lawyer Explains Anti-Aging Products Fraud
In 2009, a plastic surgeon group in New York pled guilty to administering knock-off Botox to patients. According to UPI, approximately 150 patients received treatment with a cheap non-FDA approved product but were charged as if they had received regular Botox.
As people age, they frequently begin to look for solutions- like Botox or other remedies – that will help them to look younger or that will help them to feel younger. As a result, the FBI warns seniors that there are significant risks associated with fraudulent anti-aging products. Seniors could be promised that products will improve their appearance, will improve their health, or will even cure serious diseases. In some cases, these products will be placebos or will not have any active ingredients that could produce promised effects. In other situations, the products will turn out to have dangerous ingredients.
When fraudulent anti-aging products are produced, marketed, distributed, or sold, law enforcement could become involved and could begin conducting an investigation into those who are targeting these products towards a senior market. If you are accused of being involved with a scheme to convince seniors to buy fraudulent anti-aging products, you could find yourself facing criminal charges. You need to get help from an experienced New York City criminal lawyer if you or your business comes under investigation.
Examples of Scams Involving Fraudulent Anti-Aging Products
Scams involving fraudulent anti-aging products can occur in any situation where false or misleading statements are made to senior consumers. A violating of Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulations on advertising or of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations on producing, marketing, or labeling products could have serious consequences. You could face an interruption of business operations, an order to cease and desist, the seizure of products and of money obtained through fraudulent sales, and the potential for criminal prosecution depending upon the nature of the scam.
The fake Botox scam in which patients were administered with non-FDA approved Botox was just one example of how a scheme can work by misleading seniors into believing they are receiving a trusted product when they really are not. This type of scam can happen any time a senior is given a counterfeit or knockoff product and told it is the real thing.
Scams can also involve misleading consumers into buying “exciting new products” that make promises the products cannot live up to. For example, seniors could be targeted with sales of pills, supplements, creams, drinks, foods, hormones or other products that promise to improve their skin; get rid of wrinkles; cure arthritis; cure diabetes; or otherwise make a senior look or feel better. The products often promise no risks and no side effects, but could end up providing no benefits or being dangerous.
If you sell or distribute wrinkle cream or other products to seniors and it turns out the product does not work, this does not always rise to the level of a crime. However, you could face legal action if it turns out your statements being made or the products you are selling are not approved, are in violation of consumer protection laws, or have crossed the line into fraud.
How a New York City Fraudulent Anti-Aging Products Lawyer Can Help
Bukh Law Firm, PLLC provides representation to individuals and businesses facing legal problems because of fraudulent anti-aging products. Whatever your legal issues, whether you are being charged with a crimes or sued or subject to regulatory action, our experienced legal defense team understands this area of the law and can help you to fight for your freedom, your money, and your continued operations. Give us a call as soon as you are being investigated or as soon as adverse legal action is taken against you so we can get to work on your behalf.