Contact Our NYC Criminal Attorneys to Handle Your Prostitution Case
Prostitution Laws
PROSTITUTION is often called the world’s “oldest profession”. Society (in NY and nationwide) has determined, wrongly or rightly, that prostitution is a crime. Legally speaking, prostitution is providing sexual favors or acts in exchange for payment.
New York State prostitution laws are aimed at several offenses stemming from the illegal act of participating or agreeing to participate, in sexual conduct with another individual in exchange for money. While the Penal Code of New York does not provide a definition for sexual conduct, such conduct has been defined by the state courts to include a range of sexual acts.
Prostitution is a class B misdemeanor and New York also criminalizes the separate offenses of patronizing a prostitute, promoting prostitution, compelling prostitution and sex trafficking.
Prostitution S230.00 – A person is guilty of prostitution if they agree to, engage in or offer to exchange sexual favors for a fee. Prostitution is, as everyone knows, is the oldest profession on the planet. At one time, it was one of the very few means in which women could make a living without depending upon a man.
Prostitution is seen differently in every society. In New York, the legal system tends to see prostitution as a complex crime with many mitigating factors leading to criminal behaviors. Many view the profession as an upsetting and morally unjust exploitation and degradation of women and men who are, for an amalgam of causes, vulnerable. New York penal code was written, in part, to protect women from exploitation. On the other hand, the prosecution of prostitution is meant to be a deterrent to those who are participating in a criminal act.
New York Prostitution attorney knows the consequences of 230.00
Prostitution is a common crime in New York, with an estimated 70 percent of the female prison population beginning their criminal careers with a prostitution charge. In many ways, prostitution is seen as a gateway to more serious criminal behaviors. It is also an extremely dangerous profession, with 80 percent of prostitutes have been raped or sexually assaulted, some report as many as 10 times per year. In New York, girls and women have a mortality rate that is 40 times higher that of non-prostitutes.
New York prostitution laws classify crimes of prostitution based upon the severity of the crime. Most prostitution laws are rather lenient as opposed to those in other countries, and are this way because it is considered a victimless crime. However, attitudes are now changing, with some agreeing prostitutes are victims of exploitation and are doing thier jobs as a means to survive.
Yet, 90 percent of prosecuted sex crimes are for prostitution, with clients still only being arrested 10 percent of the time. There is still a school of thought that considers prostitutes as hardcore criminals because of the spread of disease and because of the long-term consequences to johns on the homefront. That assumption may be incorrect, as studies show that only 3-5 percent of all STD’s are spread because of prostitutes.
Prostitutes who are going through the legal system due to a prostitution charge could be found guilty and convicted and may serve up to 3 months in jail and pay a fine of up to $500. The law does not discriminate over sexual orientation or gender while prosecuting.
Hiring an Attorney to Defend Prostitution Charges
If you are arrested for prostitution, you need an effective, experienced advocate on your side. Your lawyer should argue that all prostitution arrests are made as a result of entrapment, an invasion of privacy and or the use of illegally discriminatory investigative tactics.
The New York City defense attorneys at Bukh Law firm can stand up for your rights. We understand that many arrests for prostitution are incurred by the use of some “grey area” tactics by law enforcement, which often can lead to convictions. These tactics are often an invasion of privacy at best, and at worst illegal or morally corrupt.
If convicted of prostitution, a class B misdemeanor, these charges could become a part of your criminal record. Get the best chance of defending yourself and your future by allowing the lawyers at Bukh Law firm to represent you. Our legal team is well versed in defending against sex crime allegations.
If you are arrested for prostitution, call experienced NY prostitution defense attorney at Law Office of Bukh Law Firm, PLLC 24 hours per day at 800-601-0207.
Bukh Law Firm understand the all too human nature of this “illegal” profession and hold no judgment towards individuals who have been accused of PROSTITUTION. This is a crime because people have delineated it as “immoral”, not because it necessarily does harm to another person.
We work to mitigate the circumstances, dismiss charges, or plea bargain so that individuals charged with this crime can avoid incarceration or stiff fines.