Alan Dershowitz, the youngest professor of law in history, has some drastically bold ideas for the American legal system. First and foremost, Dershowitz is against the Second Amendment. He has been extremely vocal about gun controls and believes that 100 percent of all guns should be banned. He points out that the perception that guns protect the liberty of citizens is a complete myth and that the Second Amendment does nothing but protect an individual’s right to ownership of guns.
He believes that the American legal system has failed to curtain the private ownership of firearms. In an interview for Newsmax TV, Dershowitz said, “If I could write the Bill of Rights over again, I would skip amendment number two. We’re the only country in the world that puts in our Constitution the right to bear arms.”
Dershowitz is calling for tougher legislation on federal and state level that would make it harder for people to get guns. Laws should not be in favor of gun ownership but against, as per Dershowitz.
Dershowitz is not the first one to advocate tougher gun controls. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has also suggested a rewriting of the Bill of Rights and eliminating the Second Amendment. She has been quite vocal about the need to revisit the Heller decision regarding the private right to arms under the current legislation.
US Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens has also called for refashioning the U.S. Constitution and limiting the right to keep and bear arms.
These influential legal thinkers illustrate the need for gun controls and gun safety and while it may not be entirely possible to nullify the Second Amendment in its entirety, it might be a good idea to appoint a few Supreme Court judges that could revisit the Heller decision and come up with a more acceptable solution.